About Brodie Lee
Born in Boston, MA, as a child and I was fascinated by the possibilities of space exploration, radio transmitters and computers, and 3D modeling. Thanks to the Dexter Southfield School, I got my Amateur Extra licence at 12 years old.
Attending the Roxbury Latin School starting in 9th grade, however, I also grew a deep appreciation for philosophy, creative writing, and the classical languages. This led to my journey at Georgetown starting as a Classics Major, but my exploration through Georgetown's curriculum directed me back to my original passion for solving the hard problems and doing the math.
I want to share my work and collaborate with others to capitalize on the gifts of modern technology. Currently, I am learning C++ and R through Georgetown, though I am familiar with many of the modern and not so modern web frameworks.

And I play rugby.
And I posted all of our social media for a semester. Tell me how I did:
I know I'm no graphic designer but during that time I also made...